Thursday, August 18, 2016

Your school warden team

Usually, school wardens operate in teams of two, as this enables them to keep a good eye on the road and the children. However, they can operate alone if there's good visibility and little traffic on the road.

If you're concerned about visibility problems-perhaps because the crossing is near a corner-discuss the options with your school community officer or road controlling authority. It may be better to move the crossing or establish a school patrol or, in exceptional circumstances, have a third warden join the team.

1. The school warden leader

Each school warden team includes a leader. Your school community officer often confirm leaders during training, choosing only the most capable students for the role.

The leader:
  • should have the best overall view of the road in both directions
  • controls the operation
2. The warden supervisor

The warden supervisor is an adult, usually a teacher or parent, who is responsible for:
  • checking that the wardens do their jobs correctly
  • observing and formally recording details of any incidents involving unsafe or illegal driver behavior, such as driving through occupied pedestrian crossings or failing to give way to children crossing legally at traffic lights. If these lead to prosecutions, the supervisor may need to appear and give evidence in court.
Supervisors should always carry a notebook and pen to record details of unsafe or illegal driver behavior. 

3. School warden uniform

School wardens wear the same uniform as school patrol members: a summer safety jacket for dry weather, and a waterproof safety jacket for wet weather and in low-visibility conditions. Wardens can only wear one type of uniform or the other.

Please check that the wardens look after their uniforms and keep them clean. Store them in a convenient and secure place-and if they're damaged, lost or stolen, contact your school community officer for repairs or replacements.


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