Wednesday, August 17, 2016

School Patrols

Safe School Zoon

School patrols help to keep students safe on the road by controlling the flow of vehicles and pedestrians at pedestrian crossings and 'kea' crossings, school crossing points.

Operating before and after school, patrol members extend STOP signs onto the road in both directions, which signal approaching drivers to stop. Once the traffic is slowing or has stopped, the patrol signals to waiting pedestrians that it's safe to cross the road.

Each duty patrol is typically made up of two students, with one designated the leader, and a supervising adult.

Before a school patrol can operate, all team members and supervisors need to have been trained by a police school community officer. 

What's a pedestrian crossing?
A pedestrian crossing is made up of
  • White strips that run parallel to the road line
  • Poles on each roadside marked with black and white stripes, topped with orange globes or discs
  • Roadside warning signs on each approach to the crossing
  • Optional diamonds on the roadway, on approaches to the crossing
  • Vehicle ' hold line ' on the road at the crossing point 


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